The Importance Of UX

Bootcamp, which is a part of Nordic Intent’s big family, is also one of Goa’s most popular training institute! With courses in graphic design, app and web development, digital marketing, UI / UX, photography and many more, Bootcamp finds itself filled with recent pass-outs, aspiring entrepreneurs and students who wish to add more value to […]
Why Should You Learn WordPress Development?

The word ‘development’ sometimes throws you off the shelf if you have no keen interest for coding and stuff. But hey! What if you could build websites, without having to do an in-depth study of coding. Sounds good right? Welcome to WordPress. It is a free content management system (CMS) that allows you to create stunning websites […]
Are You A Good Designer Or A Great Designer?

A combination of your skills and personality traits is what makes you good or great at any job you take on. But, to be a good designer, you need more than just mastery of design skills and a good eye. So, when it comes to design, which category do you fall into? Are you a […]
Why Choose A Career In Digital Marketing?

In today’s world, digital marketing has become a language. It is a medium of communication where every business or individual wants to adopt. Gone are the days when someone would ask, ‘Is your business on Facebook?’, this question has now turned into an exclamation, ‘What! Your business is NOT on Facebook!’ Yes, that’s the impact […]
Express Your Creativity With The Help Of Computer Software

Imagination Meets Creativity There are three locked doors and you have one key. Do you think the same key will open all three doors or just one door? Whatever your answer may be. You’ve currently imagined a scenario. Our imagination is the beginning of creation. What you imagine, you ultimately create. Imagination often lifts us […]
Play The Digital Marketing Trump Card

If you’re a gamer, you would agree to the fact that mastering a game takes practice. Lots and lots of it. For starters, when you begin, level 1 is to improve your skills. Slowly you move on to find your chi. You become a pro at understanding the strategy adopted by skilled gamers in terms […]
HTML – Changing The Way We View The Web Since 1991

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the set of markup symbols or codes inserted in a file intended for display on a World Wide Web browser page. The mark-up tells the Web browser how to display a Web page’s words and images for the user.
Content Management System To The Rescue!
Building a website is a piece of cake. Web developers first create web pages on local computers using an FTP program, they then move these files on to a web server which is made available via the website. Too complicated for words? Well, let me simplify it for you. Code, move files to a server, […]