The Indispensable Role of Internships for Students

A Path to Professional Development Undeniably, one of the most valuable experiences for a student is an internship. To illustrate this, imagine for a moment that you’re a film student. Sure, reading about cinematography, studying different directors’ techniques, and writing papers about various movie themes is educational. However, imagine now that you get to intern […]

Social Media: A New Way of Advertising

An Overview: Traditional Advertising Versus Social Media Advertising Historically, businesses have relied on traditional advertising mediums such as television, radio, and print. However, today’s world, governed by technology, presents an innovative approach. As the digital age unfolds, social media has emerged as a powerful contender in the advertising arena. Is it, then, the new way […]

Digital Literacy in 2023

The March Towards a Digital Age Indeed, our society has rapidly evolved into a world virtually interconnected. Our day-to-day transactions, now more than ever, involve digital platforms. In light of this transition, the importance of digital literacy has become paramount. Unquestionably, it is a crucial aspect of contemporary life. Defining Digital Literacy Firstly, let’s elaborate […]